AccuSite provides tools to run reordering reports that include recommended order quantities based off site-specific item usage. With a quick configuration, the suggested reordering report will evaluate days on hand usage and trigger a suggested order quantity to ensure no stock outs and optimal quantities to place an order.
Configuring your Reordering Triggers
- Select the Gear for Settings
- Select Inventory
- Select Reordering tab
There are 5 sections to help configure reordering items.
General Preferences
These are the default options to choose from when setting up information in the Reordering Defaults and Item Overrides sections below. To make changes or additions, select the ‘Edit’ button.
Days on Hand Targets
These are options to set the days on hand the site wants to maintain to be considered full stock.
Days on Hand Triggers
These are options to set trigger for items to appear on a reordering report. When the item’s usage is below the days on trigger, it will then appear on the Reordering report and signal it is time to reorder.
Preferred Suppliers
These are the default suppliers that can be assigned as the prefer supplier for any program and/or item.
These are the default options to choose from when setting up information in the Reordering Defaults. To make changes or additions, select the ‘Edit’ button.
Reordering Defaults (by Program)
To generate reports for suggested reordering quantities for items, ‘Reordering Defaults’ are required to be setup by program. These values will be the defaults and applied to every item that is assigned/loaded to that specific program.
See “Item Overrides” section below to set different reordering values for individual items.
To begin configuring the defaults, select ‘Edit.’ The grid will allow edits and inputs. will allow you add values.
- Every field is required to setup a program for generating a reordering report
- Use the drop downs or enter quantities in each field
- Use the ‘X’ on the right of the row to clear out all values of that row
Field Definitions
Program: all items assigned/loaded into units with this program will use the following values for reordering.
Preferred Supplier: all items assigned to this program will default to the supplier chosen and appear in the report filtered by the preferred supplier.
Days on Hand Target: this is the desired number of days on hand usage for items and the reordering report will calculate a quantity to reorder that will equate to this desired usage.
Days on Hand Reorder Trigger: this is the number of days on hand usage that will trigger the reordering report to suggest a quantity to reorder.
Minimum Unit Count Target: this provides the ability to manage “slow movers” or smaller quantities of items that never meet the days on hand targets or triggers. Enter a dose/unit quantity to set the desired unit count a slow-moving items should reorder back up to.
Minimum Unit Count Trigger: this provides the ability to manage “slow movers” or smaller quantities of items that never meet the days on hand targets or triggers. Enter a unit (or dose) quantity to trigger when the reordering report should include and display the quantity to reorder.
EXAMPLE: Reordering Default (by Program)
Here is a configured example that provides details on each field input.
Private Program: all items assigned and loaded into Private program will apply the following values to their reordering.
Henry Schein Preferred Supplier: the supplier that these items will be displayed under in the reordering report.
45 Days on Hand Target: the calculated reordering quantities will provide a quantity that will get the item back up to 45 total days on hand based off that item’s usage.
10 Days on Hand Reorder Trigger: Items that have below 10 days on hand remaining based off their usage will be included in the reordering report.
5 Minimum Unit Count Target: For slow-moving items and when the minimum unit count trigger value is reached, the reordering report will suggest a quantity to reorder to get back to 5 units (or doses).
1 Minimum Unit Count Trigger: A item with 1 unit (or dose) remaining and that does not meet the days on hand trigger value will display on the reordering report when they only have 1 unit (or dose) on hand).
Item Overrides
This section allows users to apply specific reordering values to individual items. Any items that have overrides applied will utilize those values instead of the defaults set at program level. These values override the values in the Reordering Defaults table for specific items.
To configure an item override for reordering, select ‘Edit’ and then the ‘+ADD’ button. The following pop-up window will allow input.
Field Definitions
Select Program: the item assigned/loaded into units with this program will use the following override values for reordering.
Select Generic Name: use the drop down to find the generic name of the item to apply the override values.
Select Product NDC/ID: use the drop down to select the specific NDC item to apply the override values.
Select Preferred Supplier: use the drop down to select the supplier to apply to the reordering report for this item.
Select Days on Hand Target: this is the desired number of days on hand usage for this item and the reordering report will calculate a quantity to reorder that will equate to this desired usage.
Select Days on Hand Reorder Trigger: this is the number of days on hand usage that will trigger the reordering report to suggest a quantity to reorder for this item.
Minimum Unit Count Target (Optional): this provides the ability to manage “slow movers” or smaller quantities of items that never meet the days on hand targets or triggers. Enter a dose/unit quantity to set the desired unit count for this item to reorder up to.
Minimum Unit Count Trigger (Optional): this provides the ability to manage “slow movers” or smaller quantities of items that never meet the days on hand targets or triggers. Enter a unit (or dose) quantity to trigger when the reordering report should include this item.
Select Preferred Package: this is the preferred package that will be used to calculate the reordering package quantity. Select the package that is usually used to reorder for this item.
Select ‘+ Add’ button to apply the item override values for reordering.
EXAMPLE: Item Override
Here is a configured example that provides details on each field input.
VFC Program: will override this item that is assigned/loaded into VFC program.
Polio Generic Name: the generic name of the item, Polio.
IPOL (0.5mL) 49281-860 Product NDC/ID: the specific NDC of IPOL that will use these reordering values.
McKesson Preferred Supplier: the supplier that these items will be displayed under in the reordering report.
60 Days on Hand Target: the calculated reordering quantities will provide a quantity that will get this IPOL item back up to 60 total days on hand.
7 Days on Hand Reorder Trigger: When this IPOL item has less than 7 days on hand remaining based off its usage, it will be included in the reordering report.
1 Minimum Unit Count Target: If IPOL never meets the days on hand usage, and the minimum unit count trigger value is reached, the reordering report will suggest 1 vial of IPOL quantity to reorder to reach the minimum unit count.
0 Minimum Unit Count Trigger: If IPOL never meets the days on hand usage but reaches 0 doses on hand, IPOL will display on the reordering report and suggest 1 vial of IPOL to reach the minimum unit count target.
49281-860-10 Preferred Package: this package NDC is 1 unit per package, so when calculating the suggested reordering quantity, the system will use 1 unit per package to provide the package order quantity.
Running the Reordering Report
The reordering report will provide all suggested order quantities for items that meet the values configured by program or by the item overrides. This report can be viewed, printed, or exported with all information to make reordering items easy for all sites.
Viewing the Reordering report
- Select ‘All’ on the left navigation bar
- Select ‘Inventory’ at the top
- Select the ‘Reordering report’
Selecting Reordering view options
- Use the Site, Program, Supplier, and Generic drop-downs to filter what items to display
- Site is the only option required to generate a report. This will display all items that meet the reordering values for all items at the selected site
Use ‘X’ in the drop-down to remove the option and update the report
EXAMPE: Interpreting the Reordering report information
The information provided in the reordering report will include all items that meet the reordering default values and any viewing options selected above. See below on the details of what the information represents.
Title: the title will include the Site, the Program, and the Preferred Supplier. In the example above the Site is Executive Drive that is displaying items in the VFC program and have a preferred supplier of McKesson.
Generic Name: each row will display the generic name of the item. The example displays Influenza.
Product NDC/ID: the item’s NDC or ID and brand name for the item that needs to be reordered will be displayed here. The example displays Fluarix with an NDC of 5816-881.
Current Units of Use: this is the current units (or doses) on hand at the site across all units. The example displays there are 10 doses of Fluarix loaded in units at Executive Drive and assigned to the VFC program.
Unit of Use Type: this is the dosage or strength of the dose for the item. The example displays that the Fluarix is the 0.5mL dosage product.
Target Units of Use: this is the calculated units (or doses) based on the item’s usage or minimum count target.
- Usage is calculated by the item’s use in the last 30 days divided by 30 and then multiplied by the Days on Hand Target reordering value
- The Minimum Unit Count Trigger is used if the Days on Hand Trigger is not met
- When Minimum Unit Count Trigger is used, then the calculation will use Minimum Unit Count Target for this value
The example displays that 120 doses of Fluarix is the number of doses on hand needed based on of its usage the past 30 days in order to meet 30 days on hand, the target value configured for VFC items.
Gap Units of Use: this is value of units (or doses) that need to be reordered based on the the units (or doses) currently on hand subtracted from the target units of use units (or doses). The example displays that 110 doses of Fluarix need to be reordered to reach a target of 120 doses. This includes the 10 doses that are currently in inventory at Executive Drive.
Units/Package: this displays the units (or doses) per package that will be used to suggested the package order quantity in the next column. The example displays that the suggested order will use 10 doses per package for Fluarix.
Order Qty: this is the suggested order quantity in package quantity for the item. A user can optionally change to their desired package quantity to order. The example displays that 11 packages of Fluarix (10 doses per package) should be reordered so there are enough doses on hand (120 doses) to meet 30 days on hand.
Adjust Qty: the up and down arrows is an option to change the Order Qty field as the user so desires.
The Reordering report can be printed or exported as a reference tool when the user submits any orders with their suppliers.