The purpose of this document is to show how the UPS Battery Backup needs to be installed/configured to work properly with an AccuShelf TM.


Please note that only AccuShelf TM’s comes with the UPS Battery Backup. Non-TM AccuShelf units are not monitoring fridges and freezers, so the battery time & alerting provided by the UPS are not needed.

Components Needed


  • AccuShelf TM
  • UPS Battery Backup w/ USB cable


We use two different models of TrippLite UPS Batteries.


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TrippLite OMNIVS1500

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TrippLite OMNI900LCD




The UPS Backup Battery is the only item in these instructions that plugs into the wall. It needs to be connected to wall power, both to keep the battery charged, and to detect when the power goes out.

The AccuShelf gets its power through the UPS Backup Battery, and also connects to the battery through a USB cable. The USB cable helps the battery communicate when line power is out, allowing the AccuShelf to send out alerts for the power outage.


1. Setting Up the Battery


Setup differs slightly between the two models of battery.


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  1. Plug the UPS Backup Battery power cord (I) into wall power
  2. Plug the AccuShelf power cord into one of the plugs marked (D) in the photo above.
  3. Plug the USB cable into the USB Port marked (G) in the photo, and the other end into a USB port on the back of the AccuShelf (photo below) 
  4. Press the Power Button on the UPS, and status lights on the front should light up
  1. Plug the UPS Backup Battery power cord (H) into wall power
  2. Plug the AccuShelf power cord into one of the plugs marked (F) in the photo above.
  3. Plug the USB cable into the USB Port marked (E) in the photo, and the other end into a USB port on the back of the AccuShelf (photo below) 
  4. Press the Power Button on the UPS and the LED screen should display voltages



2. Photo: Connecting the USB cable into the AccuShelf

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3. Confirming Operation

Locate the Power Button on the AccuShelf and press it. The power button is recessed on the right side, near the bottom underneath the fingerprint scanner. Confirm that the AccuShelf powers on.

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